I've scoured you tube for videos on how to make goat milk soap. Many recipes call for powdered goat milk. Uh... NO. I have goats that provide fresh milk every day. Why would I use powdered? I want to use the fresh or my own frozen stuff.
Then there's recipes that use water and goat milk for the liquid. Hmmm... I really want goat milk to be one of the top three ingredients in my soap. If I label it as goat milk soap then by golly I want it to have more than a trace of goat milk. After all, I have goats that provide fresh milk daily.

Well, that meant I needed to find out how much fat, protein, and solids are in the milk that I'm using. There's not a lot of information easily available on the component make up of goat milk but I was able to find that on average goat milk is made up of about 87% water. Now, my girls are on milk test and I know how much fat and protein they are making. Therefore, I was able to substitute a few numbers and realized that my girls have milk that is approximately 85% water and 15% fat/protein/solids. Yes, they've got more fat in their milk that the average dairy goat. And, that's why I chose this breed.
Armed with that information, I began to rework my soap recipes. After several hours of video watching aided by what I've already learned in the several batches previously made, I've decided to try a new method. I've recalculated some numbers, modified some steps, and am now ready to try the modifications. I'll keep you posted.