Monday, February 29, 2016

Crazy Blogger - Yup

Even though I have had a blog presence for almost 10 years, I have never been consistent with my posts.  I wasn't consistent on my personal blog nor have I been on this farm blog.  Many times, life gets the focus and writing becomes an after thought.  However without my miniscule  writing I would have forgotten so much.

The older I get the more my memories get lost.  I'm wondering if my hard drive is full and some of them are getting over-written.  Perhaps the case may be made that there has been some file integrity loss due to excessive wear on some of the components as well as utter neglect of others. 

So, here I am again, trying to commit to daily posts (except Sundays - I need rest then).  I'm not doing this as a way to earn money.  I'm not trying to change the world.  I'm just sharing my little slice of life.