Wednesday, May 21, 2014

21 May 2014 - Faith's Cold Tea

I go through about a half gallon of tea each day by myself.  This is better than the Pepsi I used to drink 2 liters of each day.  Maybe by the time I'm grown up, I'll get around to drinking more water than anything else.  Maybe.

I thought I had the best recipe for cold tea.  I'd bring some water to a boil, add the tea bags, let it steep for 5 minutes, add my sweetener, and then pour it over ice or set it in the fridge to get cold.  This method requires my complete attention until it is in the fridge.  I tend to be one of those people that starts half a dozen projects and randomly works on them through out the day.  I might jump from one thing to another without finishing the first.  So this method doesn't fit my modus operandi.

So, now I have a new recipe for cold tea...
Ready to begin...

What you need:

  • half gallon jar/jug/pitcher (preferably with lid)
  • water
  • regular tea bags (two quart sized ones or eight cup sized ones)
  • herbal tea bags (two cup sized ones - peach, lemon, raspberry or other desired flavor)
  • sweetener (I use 3 tablespoons of sugar)

Fill the half gallon jar with water leaving about 2 inches of space at the top.  Place all the tea bags in the jar.  Catch the strings in the lid and cover.  Set on the counter and let steep while you work on something else.  After a couple of hours (or overnight because you forgot about it), remove the tea bags, add your sweetener and finish filling with water or ice.  Then place in the fridge to chill. 

Enjoying tea in my "redneck" glass.
I have two jars going at a time.  Right now I'm finishing up a lemon tea jar and have a raspberry tea waiting in the fridge.  I'm doing mint tea this time.  :-)  We think tea tastes best when enjoyed in a mason jar.

What's your favorite tea?  Do you have an old family recipe that you've used for generations?  Or, are you one of those hot tea drinkers?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14 May 2014 - Beautiful Sky

Part of this morning was spent working on the vineyard.  We have eight grape vines planted, mulched and watered.  Plus, there is one that might not survive so it has been granted a private space.  This is one of our farm projects.

I stopped to see how things were coming with the vineyard and realized that it was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Yes, the wind is blowing but the clouds are lovely and there's a nice warmth in the air.  After finishing up the work on the grapes, I grabbed the camera and went picture hunting.

Blaire munched contentedly on the sweet new grass.  Oh, how I would love to be getting fresh milk from her with wonderful cream to make beautiful butter.  Maybe next year.  That's another farm project.  :-)

Check out our Facebook page for a few additional pictures of this lovely day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

13 May 2014 - Eggs already?

Two of the Chicklets.  Still so small.
Maroochy has been pacing the fence of the pen for a couple of days.  I mentioned to MM that I think she's ready to go back with the other ladies.  But, I needed her to teach the Chicklets how to roost.  So, this evening as I assisted them all to the roost (which went wonderfully), I found two eggs. :)  She's laying again.  Apparently, she's been pacing because she wanted to get to a nest box.  I'll provide her one tomorrow and leave her with the Chicklets for a few more days.  They are just four weeks old so I'm not quite ready to separate them.

Monday, May 12, 2014

12 May 2014 - Farm Report

Overcast and damp on the farm this morning.  Oh, how we need the rain!  Praying that there is no bad storms coming with this.  I was able to transplant 46 sweet potato plants on Saturday.  Along with that I put in 2 beds of onion sets and 1 bed of garlic.  MM and assistants were able to get the fence posts in place for the bull pasture.  I'm feeling a little worn out today.  Taking it easy and spending a bit of time with the pretty kitty.

Friday, May 9, 2014

09 May 2014 - Farm Report

Good mornin', y'all.  It's kinda cool this fine morning on the farm.  Maroochy and the Chicklets are getting along real nice.  I turned at one point yesterday and caught one of the Chicklets hitching a ride on mama's back.  :)  Even if I'd had a camera, I wouldn't have been quick enough to catch the shot.  Sorry.  In addition, I found that the blueberry bush MM had weed whacked last year has new growth on it!  Whoot!  I'm so glad that the Lord takes care of things.  The blackberries have been blooming and there are several new shoots all around.  I managed to square off the area for the second round of potatoes, the onions, and the sweet potatoes yesterday.  It'll take a few days to get them in the ground tho.  There's much to do and  I'm off to do a little...  Happy Friday!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

06 May 2014 - Grape Vine!

Much to my surprise and joy, one of the grape vines we planted last year has survived and has leafed out!  Whoo!!  I had resigned myself to having lost them all after the late freeze.  Finding that one vine helped motivate me while working on getting the vineyard cleared and prepped for new vines.  :-)  We were all out watering, mowing, mulching, clearing or something this morning.  MM and I spent a few minutes trying to determine where our Arbor Day trees would end up going.  We've found a place for four of them - only five more to go!

Monday, May 5, 2014

05 May 2014 - Farm Report

Maroochy and the Chicklets have adjusted to their new digs.  I found a purple iris that had bloomed even though Sweet Pea had chewed on it.  I also found where she has been sleeping in my flower bed.  :(  Thankfully, Bear let us know about our first copperhead of the season.  MM and DJ dispatched of it pretty quickly.  Fire danger is very high around here.  Yesterday's high temperature was 95 degrees.  We are expecting to hit 100 today.  It's very windy so we are being vigilant.  Y'all take care, 'k.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Maroochy and the Chicklets

Looky here, looky here...

Right here is something good.  :)

See that, it's yummy! 
Maroochy and the Chicklets have moved to a new location.  They are now where they can explore the grass, find some dirt to bathe in, and learn more about how to survive.  Mama is doing a good job of teaching them about the yummy things to eat.  (I'm helping by putting treats in with their food.)  They are so fun to watch.  Maroochy makes some interesting sounds when she's talking with the Chicklets.  The Chicklets are now two weeks old and are starting to feather in nicely.  Mama still keeps them warm when the wind blows a bit chilly and I put them back inside at night.  However, that will be ending soon as the weather warms up nicely.  It won't be long and they'll be roosting in the small house and then, suddenly it will be time for mama to wean them.  Amazing.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

01 May 2014 - Sober Wine

While at the used book store, I came across a book titled "Bible Wines or Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients".  It looked interesting so I brought it home and have begun to read it.  The original thesis was written prior to 1871 and has some amazing information in it.
I am now wanting to try to make "Sober" wine.  And, just to be clear here.... I WON"T be making an alcoholic drink.  Alcohol drinks are not spoken of in a positive manner in the Bible.  I'll have to find a source of local grapes for my adventure as I don't think these guys will be producing any grapes this year...